
Greetings From Afghanistan!

For those of you who were able to tear yourselves away from the tragedy in Japan and the US media’s gushing over Obama’s “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, there was some horrifying news from Afghanistan which underscores Obama’s hypocrisy in the area of human rights and violence: the publication in German publication Der Spiegel of a batch of photographs taken by US soldiers with their “trophies” — the corpses of Afghan civilians murdered by “kill teams” who created artificial “combat situations” in order to hunt human beings for sport.

What especially galled the hell out of me was that President Hope apparently couldn’t be bothered to fly home from his holiday in Brazil to deal with these atrocities. It’s this kind of vile behavior by the US empire around the world that fills me with even more contempt for the “cruise-missile Liberals” who cheer Obama’s attacks on Libya while Saudi and Bahraini security forces murder protesters in Bahraini streets using weapons sold to them by Obama. Never mind all the talk about “freedom” for the Libyans; remember that imperialists will always do only what’s in the best interests of imperialists.

11×14 inch medium-res color jpg image, 840kb.


The New Flag Of Bahrain

OK, gang, let me run through this one more time: President Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner, quoted by Al Jazeera in a statement as opposing violence against civilians – on the same day that his Predator drones engaged in more slaughter of civilians in Pakistan – has sold a shit-ton of weapons to Saudi Arabia who, in turn, has joined the army of Bahrain in the massacre of unarmed civilian protesters in the streets of Bahrain. Is that pretty much it? Have I missed anything here?

While you chew on that, here's some footage via Russia Today from Bahrain of soldiers using automatic weapons – supplied by the US – to shoot down unarmed civilian protesters in the streets.

And while you digest that, here's a Blast From Yer Past, just to give you a little context: The Color Purple author Alice "In Wonderland" Walker, in the UK Guardian in April of 2008, gushing shamelessly in what can only be termed a love letter to Barack Obama:

He is, in fact, a remarkable human being, not perfect but humanly stunning, like King was and like Mandela is.

Yeah, that's right; Alice Walker compares Barack Obama – hypocrite, warmonger, house slave for the oligarchy – to black resistance heroes Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela. Read on for the full load of lulz, if you can stand it. As for myself, I'm taking this occasion to get out of the studio for awhile and catch up on my daytime drinking.

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Black Monday! Tsunami Reaches Bank Of America

So, I’m digesting all the news from Japan, about the earthquake and tsunamis, and about how the tsunamis are eventually supposed to reach the US mainland, when I also get the news about Anonymous’ upcoming “Black Monday” massive leaks of private Bank Of America emails revealing evidence of mortgage fraud and corruption. At that moment I realized it was time for another parody of a famous work of art…

11×15 inch medium-res color .jpg image, 656kb

Leaked Bank Of America emails via Anonymous, as an MS Word document, 2.5mb